Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fall Semester Module B

Fall Semester Module B

Advanced Decision Models
Professor: Amy Puelz, Clinical Professor
Textbook: Practical Management Science, Fourth edition by Winston and Albright.
Software: Excel and Palisade’s Decision Tool Suite software.
Contents: Goal Programming, Non-linear Model, Non-Smooth Model, VBA in Excel, stochastic optimization and Logistic Regression models.
Tips: This is the advanced version of the Decision Model in Module A. Goal programming may be the most difficult part in this course. Follow every step that the Professor presents in class and you will have no problem in success in the course.

Applied Predictive Analytics II
Professor: Michael Braun, Associate Professor
Textbook: No required.
Software: R.
Contents: Construct probability models of customer activity, and estimate model parameters using the method of maximum likelihood; Choose among model specifications, using quantitative and qualitative criteria; Apply Bayesian methods for inference, classification and forecasting; Model integrated customer purchase and retention processes, and how to use those models to estimate expected customer lifetime value.
Tips: This may be the most difficult course I have taken in this program so far. Each class has a lot of contents to cover and master. The theory part is on probability models and Bayesian methods. The context is marketing related, such as new product adoption, sales forecasts and customer lifetime value.  The application is R based and it involves a lot of programming work. The homework is also difficult and it usually go a little beyond class materials. The professor wants you to discover something by yourself in homework. Anyway, this is a hard course but very state-of-the-art. There is no textbook, but you rely on the Slides and several recently published academic articles.

Database Design for Business Applications
Professor: Stewart Rogers, Adjunct Professor
Textbook: Concepts of Database Management, 8th Edition, Philip Pratt and Mary Last.
Software: Access and Excel.
Contents: Fundamentals of relational database design, Data Management (Table design, Input and Output, Client/Server, Administration Issues), How to talk to IT intelligently (Database Jargon, current capabilities), Excel Data Capabilities (Data Functions, Table Manipulation, In Memory DB’s).
Tips: It is an introduction level course for database. It is not hard and the concept is the basic for advanced database course. You will learn basic SQL, which is very useful.

Revenue Management
Professor: John Semple, Charles Wyly Professor of MIS
Textbook: Pricing and Revenue Optimization, by Robert L Phillips.
Software: Excel.
Contents: optimal pricing model, Little Woods’ two class model, n-class dynamic model, network capacity control, choice model, overbooking management.
Tips: This class is mainly a modelling class. You will use Excel to build up those models. The homework is very interesting and challenging at the same time. So you will learn both in class and in doing homework.

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